The Early Childhood Coordinator is responsible for managing the implementation of Early Steps to School Success. The following helps clarify the job responsibilities and expectations of the position:
- Recruit pregnant families and children ages birth to five into the program.
- Develop and schedule the program activities, including home visiting, parent/child groups, toddler play groups, transition to school activities, and other programmatic activities.
- Provide regular home visits to families (twice monthly) using an STC approved home visiting curriculum.
- Organize and conduct regular (minimum of one per month) parent/child groups, in the elementary school when possible and feasible.
- Conduct child screenings and make referrals to community providers for follow-up assessment as needed.
- Coordinate with STC staff, program partners, local schools and other community agencies in implementing Early Steps.
- Participate in training and technical assistance activities including STC sponsored group trainings, technical assistance site visits, monthly audio conference calls and web based resource sharing and training activities.
- Participate in the evaluation of Early Steps, including data collection, interviewing and videotaping activities.
The following describe additional points related to the Early Childhood Coordinator (ECC) position:
Work Schedule
The Early Childhood Coordinator position is a full-time position, funded for 40 hours per week. The position may be divided into 2 part time positions if the employing agency prefers to staff it that way. It is a full year position. Time sheets must be kept.
The Early Childhood Coordinator is utilized for ESSS functions only. ECC responsibilities do not include functions such as: acting as a substitute teacher at any given time during the school day, assisting with bus or lunch duties, or using preparation/planning time for other non-early childhood activities.
Fiscal Considerations
Must be paid as a staff employee with withholding taxes paid to the appropriate federal and state government agencies as described in the government regulations
Desired Qualifications:
- Highly motivated, flexible and nonjudgmental individual who is eager to learn
- Associate degree in related field, Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent experience
- Experience working with pregnant women, children ages birth to five, and families in rural areas
- Home visiting experience
- Experience leading parent groups
- Demonstrated early childhood knowledge, including infant/toddler knowledge
- Energetic, motivated and creative
- Able to work independently
- Available and reliable vehicle for visiting families (mileage reimbursed)
- Competency with computers including previous experience with Windows programming and Internet use
- Willingness to travel regionally and nationally for training
- Willingness to collect data and participate in the program evaluation